Your Entry Fees are Paid!

Almost any "rodeo cowboy" can relate to talk about entry fees because; entry fees
are one of his greatest expenses. Having someone pay all your entry fees would be any cowboy's dream.
The good news
is that somone has paid in full everyone's entry fee for the National Finals up in the sky. The payment was made by Jesus
Christ, who died on the cross nearly two thousand years ago.
Why Did Jesus Christ's Dying On A Cross Pay Our Entry For Heaven?
You may be a good person and do many good things. You
may treat people right and even go to church every Sunday. God's word says that is not good enough and it never will be. God
made us to be his friends and to enjoy an intimate sharing life of love together.
The problem is none of us are without
sin and in order to have a relationship with God, you have to be sinless!
But there was ONE man who was without
sin. His name is Jesus and He took all your sins on himself and agreed to be the sacrifice that would wash your sins
If He did that and you accept what He did for you, THEN you can have a relationship with God because NOW you
are sinless also! He exchanged His perfection for your imperfection. He gives you a brand new spirit that is exactly
like His spirit.
Sin Is Basically An Indifferent Independent Attitude Towards God!
When it comes right down to it, more people than would like to admit, believe that there really is a God, but in reality
are saying to him, "God, you do your thing and I'll do mine, and let's not bother each other, OK? God
says, "I can't handle that because I love you too much to leave you alone."
It is our attitude towards God
which separates us from His close love, friendship and benefits. "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is
eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23
How Can I Become A Christian
And Know For Sure I Have Eternal Life?
The Bible says "For by one offering He hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified." Heb.
10:14 Jesus was our perfect offering to God. The Bible goes on to say, "And their sins and iniquities will I remember
no more." Heb. 10:17
By my faith in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice and forgiveness through Him, I'm a blessed person
to whom the Lord will NOT impute sin.
If you do something wrong, go to God and ask Him to forgive you, but just as
in a marriage relationship, when one does something wrong to his mate, he confesses his sin to clear the air, yet the sin
does not make him unmarried. Neither does our sin change our right standing with God.
Becoming a Christian is not a
decision in your own will power to be a "do-gooder" or to get all "religious" (Jesus actually hates religion!) and therefore
hope to earn God's favor.
God Loves Us More Than We Love Ourselves And Has A Plan
To Get Us Sinners Back To Him!
For God says He will accept and acquit us declaring us not guilty if we trust Jesus Christ
to take away our sins. We all can be saved in the same way, by coming to Christ, no matter who we are or what we have been
Yes, everyone has sinned; and fallen short of God's orginal plan; yet now God declares us, "not guilty" for
God sent Christ Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to end all God's anger against us. He used Christ's blood and
our faith (trust) as the means of saving us from His wrath.
God Has Paid The Entry Fees So Cash
In On It!
God's word is an unbreakable contract He has made available to us. "For
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever shall believe in Him shall not perish, but have
everlasting life." John 3:16
If a guy were to offer to pay a cowboy's entry fees for the rest of his rodeo career,
the cowboy would never receive the benefits of that offer unless he believed the man enough to go down the road and claim
By the same kind of FAITH / ACTION, we can claim eternal life and real forgiveness of sins.
Jesus said Himself,
"But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believeth on His name."
John 1:12
Why Don't You Open Up Your Heart & Life To Jesus Christ Now And Ask Him To Be
Your Lord And Savior?
Just talk to God in your own words from your heart.
"He that believeth in the Son
hath everlasting life..." John 3:36
Are you having trouble with the prayer to Him?
It's really very simple.
Dear Jesus, I know I'm not perfect. I've sinned against you, my family and friends. Forgive me
of all of my sins & save my soul. I don't want to be the same person I used to be. I turn away from my old life &
ask you to come into my heart.
Please lead me all the days of my life. Show me how to grow in my relationship with
you & give me wisdom to understand your word & your voice. Give me a hunger for your word that I might grow
to be more like you.
Thanks for saving me & giving me a brand new spirit!
In Jesus Name I Pray!
If you have prayed & asked Jesus to come into your heart, we
rejoice with you & encourage you in your new life!
We invite you to visit Badger Lee Baptist Church, the church
we attend 2 mi. North of Sallisaw on Maple & 1 mi. West on Badger Lee Road. Sun. Morning Service at 11 a.m.
& Sun. Evening 6 p.m.